
Paul Boyce, MD, MPH

Paul Boyce, MD, MPH

About Dr. Paul Boyce

4.8 out of 5 (450 ratings)

Paul Boyce, MD, MPH, originally from The Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, began his journey to becoming a doctor when he entered the Honors Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His diverse clinical interests encompass various pulmonary health issues, particularly pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary emboli, sarcoidosis, asthma, and occupational lung diseases. He has served as the Pulmonary Section Chief and Respiratory Care Director of the Northside Hospital System. His administrative focus is now on the directorship of the only certified Pulmonary Hypertension Program in Georgia, which he founded in 2012.

Dr. Boyce also serves as a commissioned officer in the Medical Corps of the US Navy Reserves. His commitment to public health and service is evident in his role, where he provides for the health of our sailors and soldiers, both at home and abroad.

Despite his professional commitments, he is a passionate squash player and soccer fan. His dedication to his personal interests reflects his commitment to a balanced and healthy lifestyle, which he also encourages in his patients.

Education and Training

  • Fellowship, Pulmonary & Critical Care, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts
  • Master of Public Health, Harvard University, Massachusetts
  • Doctor of Medicine, Emory University, Georgia
  • Residency, Internal Medicine, Emory University, Georgia

Certifications and Affiliations

  • Board Certified, Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Board Certified, Pulmonary Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Board Certified, Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Member, American Thoracic Society (ATS)
  • Member, American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
  • Member, Pulmonary Hypertension Association

Media Features

  • Dr. Paul Boyce speaks with WebMD about the importance of Whooping Cough vaccinations. Protect yourself and protect others from this very contagious disease by getting vaccinated.
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  • Dr. Paul Boyce speaks with WebMD about recommended breathing exercises to help with the symptoms of COPD including pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing and posture changes.
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Northside Provider Directory Details

View Dr. Paul Boyce's profile in the Northside Hospital Physician Directory